
Chakra Affirmations:

Root Chakra:
I am grounded and balanced I am safe and secure.
I am always safe at the center of my being.
I am open to trusting myself.
I am ready to release old habits that not longer serve me.
I stand firmly in my life in a loving and imaginative way.
Sacral Chakra: 
I am in the flow of my life.
I am alive and joyful.
I allow pleasure and goodness into my life.
I am able to surrender my fears.
Navel Solar Plexus Chakra:
I am strong, centered, and determined.
I am powerful, brave and focused.
I am able to gracefully weather life’s unexpected storms.
My power radiates from the center of my being.
Heart Chakra:
I am able to give and receive love.
I am the light within my soul.
I am open to receiving happiness in my life.
I am trusting, open, and grateful.
Throat Chakra:
I am able to hear the voice of my soul.
I am able and willing to speak my truth.
I am able to celebrate the beauty in my life.
I am flowing with the current of universal energy.
Third Eye Chakra:
I follow the path of truth.
I am seeing and thinking clearly.
My love of life reflects itself in all that I see and do.
I acknowledge my worth and accept my goodness.
I use my intelligence and intuition to light my way forward.
I find wisdom from my past and healing in the present.
Crown Chakra:
I am at peace with myself.
I am.
I am empowered by the strength of my body.
I acknowledge the presence of spirit working in my life.
I am open to the healing power of spirit working in my life.
I release fear, doubt, and pain as I accept that my life is blessed.

Peace and Joy,




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