Listening to My Inner Voice

Listening to My Inner Voice

One week we were happily meeting for our classes and the next week we weren’t.  For me it allowed more time for my personal practice, on-line study, cleaning out my yoga files that had been growing with eighteen years of teaching.  I was able to take care of myself, to stay centered and grounded and get quiet on my mat. 

It wasn’t long and I heard that inner message “what can I do?”  “how can I help my students?” I began making videos- breathing, meditation, Lymph Love, Core, Yoga for Better Sleep.  I suggested they make a donation or help someone in need. Many yogis let me know the videos were helping them to be grounded and to have a home practice. That was my motivation to make another video.

I did a little survey to my students?  How would they like to meet for practice?  Videos, Zoom Classes, Outdoor Pop-ups, In person with social distancing.  It was about an even call for each type.  I wasn’t really excited about Zoom teaching but decided to try it.  I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.  It was good to see my yogi friends again.

I’ve also done a couple of Pop-up yoga classes on my patio with social distancing. It was like arriving at a wonderful vacation destination. I’m really holding on to that feeling of being together to practice. It lifts me.

For now, I’ll continue to offer the Zoom and Pop-up classes.  My inner voice is now asking me what can I do to support racial justice?   I’m listening.

Benefit Class for Hanna Center After School Yoga Program

Please join me for this benefit class!

  • Saturday, December 17, 2016
  • 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
  • All-Level Class with Shari Gass
  • Morton Community Center – 222 N. Chauncey, West Lafayette
  • Register by emailing Shari Gass – a returned email will be your confirmation. 
  • Donation: Minimum suggested amount is $15.00. Payment on the day of the class is fine.
  • Forms of Payment:  Cash or checks payable to Shari Gass.

Thank you for your generosity and support. 

Peace and Joy, Shari

Vinyasa Flow Session added at Morton Center

It’s a go!  I’ve added a Vinyasa Flow session at Morton.  Call Morton Center – 765-775-5120  to reserve your spot!

Tuesday                   12:00-1:15                       July 26 –  August 23                   $60.00

Peace and joy!



July Classes at Morton Center – All-Level Class added to schedule

Hi Yogis,

I hope you are enjoying your summer! I hope to see you soon on the mat.

July schedule:

Registration: Walk -in & Phone-in 765-775-5120
  • All-Level    Tues. 5:30pm  July 8,22,29 $30 Code:  201002-18 This is an additional session and is not listed in the summer brochure.

Yin/Yang  Workshops  – These workshops will mix the wonderful worlds of Yin, long-slow supported holds with Yang, more active poses and movements.  Previous yoga experience recommended.

  • Hip Hip Hooray –  Wednesday, July 9  – 10 am-noon $20 – This practice is dedicated to our hips.  We’ll make nice with the hips by beginning with gentle hip openers.  We’ll build strength and find space in the standing poses and then ease off and go in deeper with yin poses.  This practice can soothe your mind and your hips!
  • Shoulder Love – Wednesday, July 23 – 10am-noon $20  – Yes, Yin for the shoulders!  Tight shoulders plague almost everyone and can limit us in so many ways.  We’ll open up and strengthen the front, side and back of the shoulders.  This practice will help open your shoulders allowing you to feel more calm, spacious, and renewed.

Peace and joy,


Like me on FB facebook/Shari-Yoga  🙂
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. – John Lubbock


New yoga sessions begin this week!

Hi Yogis,

Balance the busyness and overdoing of the upcoming holiday season with your yoga practice.    New sessions start this week.


  • Continuing       Tuesday 8:30-9:45am        11/5/13-12/10/13  $50.00       304*
  • All-Level          Tuesday 5:30-6:45pm         11/5/13-12/10/13  $50.00        305*
  • Continuing     Thursday 8:30-9:45am         11/7/13-12/12/13   $50.00     306*

* No class on 11/26 & 11/28

Registration available in person or on line at www.lafayetteparksreg.  There is an additional fee for online registration.

McAllister Recreation Center 1 (765) 807-1360
2351 North 20th Street, Lafayette, IN 47904

Morton Center:  

  • Continuing        Wednesday 10:00-11:15am       11/6/13-12/11/13   $50.00
  • All-Level            Wednesday 1:00-2:15pm          11/6/13-12/11/13   $50.00
  • Flow                   Thursday 12:00-1:15am             11/7/13-12/12/13     $50.00

* No class 11/27 & 11/28

Registration in person or by phone –  Morton @ 775-5120

222 Chauncey Ave. WestLafayette , IN.

Prop Parade Workshop and New Yoga Sessions

Hi Yogis,

The summer is flying by. I hope you’ve found some time to relax and enjoy the gifts of the season; watermelon, corn on the cob, farmers market, summer reads, time in the hammock……

Please join me for the Prop Parade-

Wednesday, July 31, 10:00 AM – Noon at Morton Center – Prop Parade Workshop – We will utilize all the props (blankets, blocks, belts, bolsters, chairs, and walls) to help us find more ease and joy in our practice. All props are provided. This class is appropriate for All-Levels. $20 fee.

Please call the Morton Center to register – 765-775-5120.

Check out the schedule page for details on the new classes beginning this week at Morton and next week at McAllister.

Registration in advance of the class start date lets us know that we have met the minimum enrollment, and reduces the chance that the class will be canceled.

Peace and Joy!

Vibrational Healing Workshop

If you ever get a chance to attend a workshop with Jason Kniola do it! I attended the Yoga and Vibrational Healing Workshop today at Ross House with Jason and his sister, Lisa Joesten. Lisa did a great job with the yoga part. Jason used gongs, singing bowls, drums, bells, and even a conch shell to help us let go. Words can’t describe how amazing this was. It’s really something you should experience for yourself. Thanks to Jason and Lisa.

Thank you to the Yoga Community

Thanks to the yoga community for their generous support in the recent donation classes held for Food Finders and Planned Parenthood.  I’m sure both donations will be greatly appreciated.

Peace and Joy!