July Classes at Morton Center – All-Level Class added to schedule

Hi Yogis,

I hope you are enjoying your summer! I hope to see you soon on the mat.

July schedule:

Registration: Walk -in & Phone-in 765-775-5120
  • All-Level    Tues. 5:30pm  July 8,22,29 $30 Code:  201002-18 This is an additional session and is not listed in the summer brochure.

Yin/Yang  Workshops  – These workshops will mix the wonderful worlds of Yin, long-slow supported holds with Yang, more active poses and movements.  Previous yoga experience recommended.

  • Hip Hip Hooray –  Wednesday, July 9  – 10 am-noon $20 – This practice is dedicated to our hips.  We’ll make nice with the hips by beginning with gentle hip openers.  We’ll build strength and find space in the standing poses and then ease off and go in deeper with yin poses.  This practice can soothe your mind and your hips!
  • Shoulder Love – Wednesday, July 23 – 10am-noon $20  – Yes, Yin for the shoulders!  Tight shoulders plague almost everyone and can limit us in so many ways.  We’ll open up and strengthen the front, side and back of the shoulders.  This practice will help open your shoulders allowing you to feel more calm, spacious, and renewed.

Peace and joy,


Like me on FB facebook/Shari-Yoga  🙂
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. – John Lubbock